These Amazingly Powerful Pieces of Brazilian Phenacite Crystal Weigh approx 5 grams and are great for wire wrapping jewellery or just using in Meditation
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Phenacite is a powerful Ascension Crystal that is said to help you move into the 8th chakra and above. It is said to energise the Higher Chakras and help you connect to the quantum energy of the field of all possibilities
Quantum Physicists believe they have now detected 15 dimensions in the field. Phenacite helps you move into the 7th and 8th Dimensions of High Frequency Energy. Our normal matrix programs exist in the 3rd Dimension and are what we learned as children but contain a lot of erroneous information. It also includes ancestral experience information of poverty consciousness and slavery
The first error being that we are separate from the Great Spirit, God or whatever terms you wish to use.
We then spend our lives trying to get back to this feeling of bliss, God Consciousness or Spirit as our DNA contains the information for us to get back to our Higher Selves which are always there, but which we are not always aware of.
Anyone can access their Higher Self through these dimensions in the Field. Most people reading this information will already be aware that they live multi-dimensionally. So we pop in and our of Higher Dimensions when we are doing spiritual practices, like meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga.
We have been working with Phenacite and other Ascension Crystals for over 20 years now and know that Phenacite is one of the keys to help you access the Higher Dimensions.
We use these ourselves in meditation to help attain a no thought state
Using meditation with crystals and other spiritual practices we are able to escape the 3rd Dimension temporarily. The more we meditate the more relief we can get from these darker energies that unfortunately control most of the world at the moment.
It is said that the Atlantean civilization became too attached to matter, which led to attachment to property, wealth and power and their spiritual downfall.
Those who live permanently in 3D often use fear as a mechanism to control the rest of humanity
However it is also possible for them to Ascend to the Higher Dimensions as at the level of spirit we are all one with each other and nature and universal consciousness. It would be easy for us to judge them, but judging others is one of the triggers that brings us down to 3D
Once we become aware of this, it is easier for us to move around in the Higher Dimensions where there is less fear and much more connection to the field of all that is, including the field of Mother Earth and the natural world
Phenacite is said to be the most powerful Ascension Crown Chakra Crystal